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Writer's picture Denise Vasquez

How Accessible Is Accessible: mobility aids

Disabled Photographer Project How Accessible Is Accessible Series Founder Denise Vasquez

New How Accessible Is Accessible episode posted on The Disabled Photographer Project Youtube Channel. Founder Denise Vasquez discusses: Mobility aids, living with invisible disabilities & more. Click below to watch video is also captioned

Through my journey, I have come to realize the importance of sharing my personal experiences and information have been beneficial! I initiated this project in 2017, more than seven years ago. This not only benefits me, but it helps raise awareness.

If you appreciate my blog and find the content in my blogs, TikToks, and YouTube videos useful, you can show your support for my project by making a donation. Any amount is welcome as every contribution, no matter how small, is valuable. Your donation will assist in funding my time, research, planning, travel, gas, accommodation, scouting, photography, memory cards, hard drives, and the creation of content shared in YouTube videos, blogs, Instagram posts, TikToks, and more.

Thank you for backing The Disabled Photographer Project! If you wish to contribute, you can make a donation here:

If you are considering hiring me for consultations, photography, performances, content creation, workshops, or panels, please don't hesitate to reach out via the contact form on my website.

Sustaining this project requires significant investments of time, money, and effort. I have poured my heart, soul, and resources into it, and the knowledge that my work is creating an impact motivates me to continue.

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Affiliate Links: I engage in affiliate marketing whereby I receive funds through the sale of goods or services on or through this website. I may also accept advertising and sponsorships from commercial businesses or receive other forms of advertising compensation. Affiliate Links are listed here:

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